The concept for this VST was inspired by the basic reverb structure of the Erbe Verb, shown in Tom Erbe’s paper "Building the Erbe-Verb: Extending the Feedback Delay Network Reverb for Modular Synthesizer Use." The design features a 4-delay Feedback Delay Network (FDN) reverb, a technique commonly used in older DSP reverb designs. While traditional reverb systems typically aim to avoid ringing resonances in order to produce more natural room emulations, PLATERES allows these resonances to emerge, creating striking metallic tones. With full control over the modulation of delay times and all-pass filter settings, PLATERES gives the user the freedom to manipulate these resonances. This capability adds a unique character and texture to the sound, offering a more experimental and synthetic approach to reverb.
PLATERES can be used as a reverb, a metallic resonator, or a feedback drone voice, offering an expansive range of sound design options.
Click here to download and explore the project on GitHub